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Магазин » Каталог » Sex Toys for Men » Pumps & Enlargers » IB02-7001 » The Ultimate Pump with Motor [IB02-7001]
DESCRIPTION: The Ultimate Pump, the trench mortar pump is a wonderful machine to help you enhancer. Convenient hands-free multi-speed vibrator pack with powerful high-tech pump. When you have had all that you desire, release the pressure with a twist of the purge valve. The ramrod pump is made of clear plastic cylinder, flexible black tubing. Comfortable black latex and non-tarnishing steel. Easy-to-use, powerful, removable latex jelly sleeve for comfort and durability. Hands-free vibrator pack with powerful pump. Multi-speed, 2 AA batteries needed (not included). One silicone ring and lubricant oil included.


Товар был добавлен в наш каталог Среда 25 Январь, 2012.